Hello guys. Why is it that always when I want to update my blog something comes up and I don't?
Well anyhow. My old computer broke.. So I'm not going to update things from my trip to Barcelona because I don't have any pictures. I also can't get pictures from my phone nor from my camera to this laptop I'm using. I'm sorry! Plus to top it all Blogger refuses to add images for some reason :D
I can't believe I have one month left in here! And for these 4 weeks it's all about exams. My last exam is scheduled to be 22.06 and then I'm free for my summer vacation.
I made a list of all the places that I want to visit before going to Finland. My list has now: the cemetary of Père Lachaise, Musée Carnavalet, Parc des Buttes-Chaumont and Arènes de Lutèce. I also want to visit the catacombs under Paris. Anyhow now all my plans are on hold because my feet is broken. I have stress fraction and I'm using crutches. Last week we had every day more than 25C and I didn't leave my room because it's too much trouble :D also I don't like it that I have to ask my friends to go to a store for me and so on.
Lately we have had a lot of farewell parties and now this building feels so empty.. Two of my best friends from this floor left recently and it's not the same when leaving my room. Almost everyone leaves this month and I'll be here with my French friends untill the end.
Now the plan is that my momo is going to get me with a car from Finland :) She is coming here in the beginning of July and then we do a roadtrip of 3 weeks around Europe! The current plan is the following: I meet my mom in Hamburg and we continue from there to Dresden - Prague - Bratislava - Wien - Innsbruck - Switcherland - Lyon - Paris - Hamburg. Also from one city in Germany I'm going to get some guinea pigs and bring them to Finland :) I can't wait, I miss pets so much!
With one of my best friends we got an apartement from Finland and we'll be living there in a 60 square meters apartment. I'm really happy about that. I also bought a car and my mom is taking care of it atm. I'm also getting a puppy when my friends dog has puppies next time! My plan is to also start breeding guinea pigs. Everything is falling in place.
Oh yeah I almost forgot: I got my CAF! After fighting with them for 7 months! Go France..
I'm going to miss Paris a lot so I'll try and enjoy my last month here :) Pusuja!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Friday, May 11, 2012
Hi cookies!
It has been forever.. But to be fair it wasnt possible for me to update the blog because my computer broke down. I was really upset because I just bought it last year. One of my Spanish friends lend me his computer (thank you Alvaro!) and then I had to wait for the university to fix my internet connection to this computer. Now all my pictures and everything are in Finland with my computer because I send it there to be fixed.
Before I start talking about Dresden I d like to than all these people who have left comments on my blog! It is really nice to know that some people are actually reading this :)
Well then. About Dresden. I spent 5 days there after spending time with my friend in Czech. And oh my is Dresden gorgeous or what! All those old buildings and beautiful landscapes. It was also really warm when I was there and I liked it a lot. It was also easy because my friend was with me and she spoke German :) I'm supposed to talk a little but actually I didn't talk almost at all. But with her friends I was happy to realize that I undestand German quite well.
Dresden is rather small city but I liked it a lot. I could imagine myself living there. Especially the Dresden Castle (Dresden Scgloss) was amazing. Most of the time we just walked around there so I didn't know where we were. The tram system was quite good but mostly we just walked with my friend. I was really happy to talk Finnish again with a Finnish person even though after spending 8 months abroad both of us talked "Finglish" :D It was funny to realize how you forget your own mother tongue.
One day I went to the university of Dresden with my friend. She is studying chemistry there. The university was really well orginized and all the professors talked English. I was amused to realize that in Germany the professors have an assistant who whipe the blackboard for them! I wish they had the same system in France. In Finland we use whiteboards so the broblem is not huge when the professor whipes it clean in a hurry. Here in France when they "clean" the blackboard and they write with white on white it´s impossible to read sometimes.
One day we met this man that was collectin money for his bachelor party. He was selling little stuff like condoms and alcohol and we could cut pieces from his jeans. With my friend we learned that this is a normal thing in Germany and we bought stuff from him and signed his t-shirt. I think this is a nice way to get money for a bachelor party and I hope it will come to Finland at some point.
And then to the present: I had a French exam yesterday and it was awful. They gave us 14 pages of grammar, 4 reading comprehensions, 5 listening comprehensions and an essay of 200 words in 2 hours. This French system with the exams is really over the top, I'm not even sure a French person could have finished all that work in 2 hours. I didn't have time to do all the exorcises so I think I didn't do too well. But as long as I get the credits I can take the worse mark.
Enjoy the pictures taken from Dresden :) I'll try to figure out this Spanish keyboard and then I'll try to get the pictures from my camera that I can write the story from Barcelona! Take care.

It has been forever.. But to be fair it wasnt possible for me to update the blog because my computer broke down. I was really upset because I just bought it last year. One of my Spanish friends lend me his computer (thank you Alvaro!) and then I had to wait for the university to fix my internet connection to this computer. Now all my pictures and everything are in Finland with my computer because I send it there to be fixed.
Before I start talking about Dresden I d like to than all these people who have left comments on my blog! It is really nice to know that some people are actually reading this :)

One day I went to the university of Dresden with my friend. She is studying chemistry there. The university was really well orginized and all the professors talked English. I was amused to realize that in Germany the professors have an assistant who whipe the blackboard for them! I wish they had the same system in France. In Finland we use whiteboards so the broblem is not huge when the professor whipes it clean in a hurry. Here in France when they "clean" the blackboard and they write with white on white it´s impossible to read sometimes.

And then to the present: I had a French exam yesterday and it was awful. They gave us 14 pages of grammar, 4 reading comprehensions, 5 listening comprehensions and an essay of 200 words in 2 hours. This French system with the exams is really over the top, I'm not even sure a French person could have finished all that work in 2 hours. I didn't have time to do all the exorcises so I think I didn't do too well. But as long as I get the credits I can take the worse mark.
Enjoy the pictures taken from Dresden :) I'll try to figure out this Spanish keyboard and then I'll try to get the pictures from my camera that I can write the story from Barcelona! Take care.

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