Monday, March 26, 2012

Fighting for my CAF


So I called some office to know about my CAF situation.. Turns out that I have to send them 3 papers that I've already sent because they have lost it or something. I just love this country!

I have to send them a copy of my insurance meaning my EU health card. I've already send it but the woman I spoke to told me that I need some other insurance. Well, for the other exchange students the EU health card had worked so I'm sending a copy of it again. I might also write to the letter "FINLAND IS IN EU (idiot)"

Other thing I need is another "attestation sur l'honneur". This is what my friend wrote and I just copied it:

"Je soussignée NAME atteste sur l’honneur que je dispose pour moi-même (et le cas échéant pour ma famille) de ressources personnelles suffisantes afin de subvenir mes besoins.

Je déclare être informé(e) que cette condition est indispensable pour la régularisation de mon dossier."

then where, when and your signature and voilà

Last but not least they want my certificat scolaire AGAIN. I'm just sending a copy of my student card.

Again, a list what you need for your CAF:

- copy off passport
- copy of student card (or certificat scolaire)
- copy of EU health card (both sides!)
- copy of original birth certificate
- copy of translated birth cert
- that letter ^

For me I had to order a birth certificate from Finland with a paper telling that it was all correct and it costed 46e. If you are going on an exchange to France better do this beforehand :)

I was really pissed off because they didn't send me anything from CAF office telling what I have to send them. But maybe next month I'll have CAF!

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